On Saturday we decided to take a hike around one of the areas that Jack and I are developing. This was a fantastic idea. The weather was spectacular. I did not think that it could be any better. Well, I was wrong. On Tuesday we set out again to this amazing area with endless boulders to have another go before temps dip to low. Well the weather was even better. Temps in the 10 to 15 C range in the sun is what I consider great this time of year. Very dry air adds to the amazing friction found here. Jack took me to another cook boulder that has a few other boulders around it.
All-in-all we had a great day. Rod went birding and Star was welcomed back to climbing outside with a near first ascent. She has a new project!!!! Can not wait for her to send. I sent a few fun problems. Steep Fantasy V4 was by far the most fun. A very gymnastic problem with good holds. Enjoy the pictures.