30 Degree Bouldering

Saturday night was -3 C at Mizugaki. (Here for Mizugaki weather.) For the F people in the world, that is about 26 degrees or wicked cold! We arrived just as the sun was setting to a nice camping spot that we have used in the past and have grown to love. Since Gavin was born we’ve stuck to car camping and with temps sub 30, it was nice to have the car for shelter. Star set up Team G Mobile Unit 1 while I warmed water for ramen. I have to admit, there is not much better than a bowl of steamy ramen in the woods on a cold winter night. We nipped a little whisky and sake to help us stay warm and called it a night.

The next morning I made the morning brew and started breakfast while the rest of Team G ate in the toasty car. After breakfast we packed the pads up and headed for some bouldering.

Jack told me about a new area that I believe he developed a few years ago. He recommended that Star and I check it out because it has a short approach and flat areas to wrangle Gavin. It turned out that the boulders in this area are rad! There are also several undeveloped boulders nearby to sprinkle in some additional fun. The most obvious developed boulder is the 20 foot tall centerpiece to the area which boasts some nice warmups with good movement and at least one interesting project on the back side which I hope to try soon. The features on this boulder are quite different than anything I have seen so far at Mizugaki. Waves of holds ranging from great to terrible made onsighting this block super fun.

Star and I climbed a slew of problems but after a few hours the little guy had had enough. He was running around all morning, but we did not want him to get to cold and cranky. We packed up and headed for the onsen to clean up and refresh.

Tomorrow I am planning on heading out again. Bouldering on the Izu is just what I need.



Go Climb Something!!!!























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