Limestone Block

Jack called me a few days ago and told me that he had something to show me. The next day he drove me an hour and a half to a remote area in the mountains of Japan. We parked and to my surprise very near to the road there was a 5m tall limestone block just waiting to be climbed. The block is right next to a river, so one side of the boulder there are a plethora of water grooved features begging to be palpated! This side of the wall is also 40 to 45 degrees overhung!!

After a couple of hours cleaning, we established two new lines. We have not named them, but one is a V6 and the other feels like a stiff V5. There is absolutely going to be several days spent here establishing new lines in the coming days.

Here is a photo of the block. In the photo Jack is climbing the V6 on the left side of the boulder. More to come soon.



Go Climb Something!!!!



The long reach on this new V6 is well worth your time, Jack Nakane, Japan.

The Long Reach

One Response to “Limestone Block”

  1. Amelia says:

    I can’t hear anynhitg over the sound of how awesome this article is.

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